Telmun algoritmisen synteesin ilta: Eilien && PAETKAA


September 24



Event Category:

Bar event

Event Website

Bar Ö

Linnankatu 7

Turku, Finland, 20100

Turun elävän musiikin yhdistys Telmu ry tarjoilee perjantaina 24.9. harvinaista herkkua, kun Bar Ö:ssä esiintyy kaksi reaaliaikaisesti ohjelmoimalla esityksensä luovaa artistia: elektroniisen musiikin eri tyylejä ambientista vokaalipoppiin musiikissaan sitova, toukokuussa kehutun debyyttialbuminsa "Digital Lovers" julkaissut Eilien, sekä generatiivista audiota ja videota improvisoituun ääneen yhdistelevä PAETKAA.


20:00 Eilien

Ilmainen sisäänpääsy.

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Ellen Virman (they/them) makes music with alias Eilien and works as a light and sound designer within performing arts. They are interested in the intersection of emotions and technology. Their work often combines documentary approach with personal narratives. Within Eilien project Ellen wants to challenge possibilities of creating sound and embrace the process of unknown discoveries.

Eilien about their album Digital Lovers:

"Emotional audio synthesis ~ SuperCollider pop music ~ Digital daydreaming.

The music on Digital Lovers is a special mixture of self-coded synthetic sounds and timeless pop-music. It refers to existing genres and phenomena, but defies any specific category creating a strong style of its own.

My main sound producing tool is SuperCollider, a text-based audio coding platform. I’ve coded my own sounds, instruments and structures with the means of audio synthesis, sample manipulation and input signal modification. The thematic sphere floats between digital and organic. Synthetic walls of sound are mirrored to the mediations of the “natural” world, in the shape of field recordings, acoustic instruments and my voice. Love is searching it’s place in this spectre of digital and organic reality: excitement of future love, grief over fading love, love’s force for creation and transformative power of love.”

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"PAETKAA is a Helsinki-based producer and sound designer who's affection for the digital has taken him on a strange path of self-described non-musicianship through algorithmic composition.

Generative audio and video processes alongside human improvisation form the foundation of the performance. Themes of posthumanism and transhumanism are integral.

Embrace digitality, evolution is inevitable, love is a number."

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Linnankatu 7, Turku

Opening hours
Tue – Thu 16 – 02
Fri 16 – 03
Sat 16 – 04.30
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